I left here on morning of Friday (22.2.) to Helsinki. Before I went to Momo's place I walked around the Helsinki and found Harry Potter 6 and 7 part 2 (pictured) movies from Stockmann. I still need to buy 1-2 and 7 part 1, then I will have all potter movies ♥
So maybe some of you will know. I went to HelLo Con which was held in Gloria at Helsinki on 23.2.2013. I bought these from HelLo Con from yesterday.
GLB vol. 25 from summer 2007 and lovely cross earrings with blue pearls :3 ♥ (pictured) I need to buy those earrings right away when I saw them, because they were so lovely ;3;
Here is also Tocco's and Junnu's autographs what they gave to use ^^
After when the con was over we went to wait for outside to see Lolita Complex's show. They made soundcheck and stuff while we were waiting outside for getting in and we get in little bit after 17 PM and the show started around 18 PM and takes nearly 45 minutes or something.
Tocco was so beautiful in her BABY's dresses *o* And Junnu was so cute too, to be so shy :3
I can't give you a photo of my outfit from that day like I haven't yet get any of those photos, so need to wait a little bit, but I will show them to you as soon as I will get them ^^
Here was everything from now on, see you soon my rosebuds ♥
- Black Rose -
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